Nylon Cable Gland application considerations

Nylon Cable Gland application considerations

Author:Nylon Cable Gland Comefrom:http://en.szsoly.com/nylon-cable-gland.html Date:2014-3-21 10:46:15 Hits:26

Nylon Cable Gland application considerations

1) in order to ensure waterproof and longer run, it is recommended to use double-wall glue heat shrinkable casing and electrical insulators.

2) in order to ensure that can withstand a certain pressure, joint suggested adding a protective sleeve reinforced insulation and protection.

3) use the adhesive tape or hot shrinkage waterproof adhesive tape are of high pressure products, ensuring the security of the insulation.

4) construction, joint to stagger the docking best way (that is, the cable does not need to tidy truncation butt).